Nakoda Audio
Visual Club

The Nakoda Audio Visual Club is a storytelling society, an arts collective, and a group of emerging and established artists. We started as a youth group, but we have grown into young leaders.
We believe in the potential of youth and the power of story. We follow the guidance of Elders, and of our own hearts.
We make works together, with partners and with our community members. We also support each others arts and storytelling practices and encourage community spirit in most everything we do.
Who We Are

Services we Provide
Animation instruction & workshops
Graphic production and editing
Sound production for film (foley arts and musical works)
Film editing
Digital transfer services
Short film instruction and workshops
Non-union make-up and special effects services
Concept, writing, storyboarding support
Arts department and production assistance
Technical film services including camera, lighting, and sound

Members of the Club can be hired out for projects. In everything we do, we mentor and collaborate. Here's some of the skills our members have to share...

Our aim is to raise interest in film and other arts as modern forms of the ancient tradition of story telling, and to use this to support the strengthening of connections to our ancestors and our culture. We believe that storytelling is a means to gain wellness and communication skills that foster strength and success.
We hope that by watching film about and by Indigenous people, our community will be able to see itself beautifully reflected on screen. We believe in the power of storytelling, and its transformative capacity to alter human lives.
What we do
We offer in community workshops for groups. These can be tailored to fit your needs and interests. Our model is based on îethka pedagogy. We work with each student and see them as the individual that they are, as well as part of a community that needs them. Each student has a story, and it is our goal to help them find a voice that is confident and clear to tell their stories.
In our programs, youth work independently or as small teams to fully create a film from conception to finished digital project. We can utilize Alberta curriculum guidelines for primary and secondary schools in building our programs, which touch on various aspects of story and literature as well as develop technical skills. Our methods rely on professional equipment, but we also utilize your local community’s capacity to teach students how they can continue to tell stories with the resources that they have. We work with you to create the right experience for your learners. Workshops typically include around 25 hours of training, as well as a screening event for your community. Either we bring it, or you provide it, but in the tradition of our people… there will always be food.

We host events and engage in fundraising to support the telling of our stories in unique ways. Here's some common events we organize:
Special festivals and premiere events for our members
Fundraisers and cultural sharing events
Film screenings & displays of other Indigenous works
Art exhibitions and shows
Camps and traditional events